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The Querdenker-Autorenunion is a small German publishing company
that publishes books on CD-Rom.
It also produces the books developed by the
Fokker-Team-Schorndorf who do detailed researches in the field of early German aviation
technology and the development of aviation in Germany prior to 1920.
From here you have access to the online shop where you can find
our books.
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We are also looking for authors who are interested in publishing
their work in the field of German aviation development prior to 1920 as electronic books
on CD-Rom in this style.
E-mail an: engels@querdenker-autoren.de
Our Mail address is the following:
Querdenker-Autorenunion, Fa.Engels, Schillerstrasse
22/4, 73547 Lorch - Germany, Tel: (07172) 91 55 77
E-Mail: qau@collectors-edition.de

Copyright © 1990-2000 A.S.Engels; historische Dokumente
und Fotografien frei.
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