Private Collection and Exhibition

Aviation Technology/ History     +   Electronic Archive   +   Books & Magazines

Model Building   +   Light Motorbikes

                                                        Drawing / Painting                                         

80's Hobby Electronics Shop

Free Entry                                                                                                                                                                                     No Sales



This permanent exhibition is also our own hobby room. This shows what we do in our spare time.

In the main part this is model building, drawing and painting, the restoration of light motorbikes, the writing of books and the research into all aspects of history of mankind in which we might have an interest. For this reason the archive was collected and will be opened from now on to all who might share our fields of interest.

Heubeundstrasse 1, 73116 Wäschenbeuren


- Every 1st Saturday of the month 9:00 - 18:00

- Or any time, if the door is open

- Or on appointment


The main focus of this collection is on German aviation technology and it´s development with another special focus on the company of Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker who is shown as an example of aviation development of the 60 Prototypes his company designed constructed and flew between 1912 and 1920. Many small exhibition pieces like technical drawings or  representative aircraft components such as rudders or wing ribs compliment the whole picture. We also have projects to reconstruct full size airworthy Fokker DR.I and a Fokker D.VII reproductions.

Models of different aircraft show the transition  from real aircraft parts and construction into the realm of model building which covers different areas of interest, such as military vehicles, automotive models, wooden kits or paper models and goes as far as scratch built models of all kinds and so forth.

The whole thing is backed up by a comprehensive archive of historic documents which is based to some degree on the historical research in the field of early aviation. In particular focusing on Fokker aircraft designs done by the  Fokker-Team-Schorndorf and its endeavors in reconstructing these airplanes full size and airworthy during the past decates. A library with books on this topic and others dealing with craftsmanship, aviation history etc. including about 7000+ books in electronic form plus almost 300.000 electronic files of historical documentation such as works photographs, reports, factory construction drawings. letters etc. round off the entire collection. This archive is accessible to anybody who visits this place.

With respect to model building there is a separate area for kids and adults interested in this field. Here experiences can be exchanged or taught to the less experienced modeler. Models built like that will become part of the exhibition and labeled with the person's name. A huge collection of unbuilt model kits compliment the exhibition and show how wide the field of this hobby can be.

Furthermore there is a small exhibition of publications done by Karl-Heinz Engels or Achim Engels and the Fokker-Team-Schorndorf. These can be read in th readers corner or taken with you in electronic form for home studying.  Among these publications are popular scientific treatises like  "Vom Sternenplasma zum Planetensystem" or a complete historic work explaining the hitory of middle Europe whithin the past 2000 years in form of a poem called "Beowulfs Läuterung" as well as documentaries regarding aviation hitory in the magazine series  "Deutsche Flugzeugtechnik 1900-1920" and "In Detail". And furthermore it shows scripts in progress as for example the "Chronik der Mythologie und Geschichte des Fluges" (Chronicles of mythology and history of flight) or the "Lexikon der deutchen Luftfahrtechnik bis 1920" (Lexicon of German aviation technology up to 1920), as much as the opportunity to also work on the completion of these works.

The restoration of vintage light motorbikes and aero engines is shown by means of several exhibition pieces and can be discussed and observed in detail. Further exhibition pieces are more vintage bikes and motorbikes.

The building of aircraft of the time frame 1900-1920 is shown in an additional 10.000 plus photographs which have been taken during the construction of several aircraft such as the Fokker E.III, the Fokker Dr.I, the Fokker D.VII, the Fokker D.VIII, the Fokker C.I, the Pfalz D.III, the Rumpler C.IV. These are representative for the art of aircraft construction of this period.

Whithin the frame of aviation exhibition you will find displays of originally rewooven fabric that was printed in German camouflage pattern, today often wrongly reffered to as "lozenge". This fabric was officially called "Flugzeugstoff" (aircraft fabric)and was the first large scale endeavor to industrially print fabrics with chemicals to colour them.The technology was refined by German scientists at companies like BASF of the IG Farben and lead in further cultural development to the enormous usage of printed fabrics we thoughtlessly use every day these days as clothes or as bed sheets. In connection with that there is a small collection of German World War II cammouflage jackets, which show the work to protect the German warriors in the time of Germanies/Europes fight for freedom between 1939-45. 

The transition from the past to modern days is provided by the exhibition of a complete and fully equipped 80's electronic hobby shop. This forms the bridge from "rough" mechanics" and hand crafting of items which allowed mankind to conquer the skies into modern times with it´s computers that rule today.

And last, but not least, the exhibition covers another field of field of interest, painting and drawing. This lovely hobby is represented by many drawings and paintings done by Alexandra Lansky.





Some images for those who can not just come and visit.


Vom ältesten deutschsprachigen Dokument über Modelle der Gleitflugzeuge Otto Lilienthals bis hin zu Plastikmodellen der Flugzeuge des 2.Weltkrieges wird die Luftfahrttechnische Entwicklung dokumentiert.                  Ausstellungsstücke wie der Nachbau eines Mittelflügels der Fokker Dr.I, vervollständigen den Einblick in die Entwicklung der deutschen Luftfahrttechnik.                 Wie sehr oder wie wenig sich die technischen Grundlagen des Fliegens im laufe der ersten 30 Jahre des Fliegens verändern wird auch durch das Ausstellungsstück einer Flügelrippe der Heinkel He 51 verdeutlicht.

Flügelrippen und Seitenruder zeigen die einzelnen Entwicklungsstufen von Flugzeugen der Firma Fokker.               Propeller, Flügelrippen und Zeichnungen aller 60 Prototypen die bei Fokker zwischen 1912 und 1920 entworfen und gebaut wurden stehen stellvertretend für die Entwicklung der Luftfahrt in diesen frühen Tagen.

Aviation history is documented starting with the first official German language recording dating 12. Dezember 1785, and goes through the ages by means of models, drawings and full size aircraft pieces such as ribs and rudders etc.



Bücher und Magazine zum Lesen    Bücherregal voll mit Luftfahrt und anderen technik-geschichtlich bezogenen Informationen stehen bereit.   Lesen: Auch eine schöne Freizeitbeschäftigung  

Library with free accessible books and magazines including a comfortable readers corner.



Nicht nur das Lesen, auch das Schreiben macht Freude.

Own publications round off the readers corner. Amongst those are some manuscripts which are curently under preparation.



Basteltisch                 Leseecke und Bastelecke für Papiermodellbau

Auch aus Holz können wundervolle Modelle wie diese Schiffe gebaut werden.

Tables provide space to sit and talk or exchange expiences and knowledge or to built models. This ranges from wooden, to plastic and paper models.




Vitrine mit gebauten Flugzeugmodellen                     Auch Revells 1/72 Unterseeboot VIIC findet sich in der Ausstellung


Gebaute und ungebaute Plastikmodelle     Ungebaute und gebaute Plastikmodelle   Modelle, die noch gebaut werden wollen und solche, die schon gebaut wurden.  

The collection of built and unbuilt plastic model kits show the variety of this hobby and form the transition from the real aircraft parts to the smaller size model world.

You may also have a glance at some of the models in detail by clicking here





Motoren1[1].jpg (255164 Byte)                  Motoren2[1].jpg (255077 Byte)

Curently underrestoration is a 80 HP Le Róhne rotary engine along with a 200 HP Ranger L440. Both projects may be of interest to be seen and to discuss.




Und das funktioniert auch noch alles und ist täglich in Betrieb

"Vintage" media is provided to entertain kids and to show them there once was more than just the MP3-Player.




                       Bastelecke zum Löten. Natürlich darf hier auch derfunktionierende Commodore C64 nicht fehlen                        Was damals so alles in Elektronikläden in den Regalen lag.

Kühlkörper, Trafos, Ladegeräte, etc...                     Transistoren, Widerstände, Dioden, Integrierte Schaltkreise, Tyrristoren, Varristoren, LEDs, Thermowiderstände, Spulen, ach und ach ....               Noch mehr Feinelektronik. Und ja, die Fächer sind alle bestückt.

A completely equipped 80ies electronics hobby shop grabs back into a time when during bad weather periods time was not just wasted playing with teh cell phone or the computer, but when electronics in itself provided intereting fields of activity. This also was teh time when beginnign with the Commodore C64 hypermodern times we have to deal with these days have been launched.



Goericke Halbrenner von 1927          Goericke Halbrenner von 1927

Express SL98 und Express Radex 152 nebeneinander                             Express SL 98, Baujahr 1935. Dies war eine Vollrestaration. Wer sich dafür ineterssiert, wie sie ursprünglich aussah, darf gerne vorbei kommen.

Some vintage light motorbikes and other bicycles document the times when mankind became more and more mobile. The restoration of these also gives insight into another hobby.





Sogennanter Flugzeugstoff war die erste industrielle Bestrebung Stoffe farblich zu bedrucken. Abgesehen von der wissenschaftlichen Gestaltung des Farbschemas sowie der Farbwahl und dessen Zusammenspiels, ist dies wohl eine der Interessantesten gezeigten Entwicklungen.

 Zeitlich geordnet finden sich in der Sonderausstellung die meisten vor und während dem zweiten Weltkrieg entwickelten deutschen Tarnjacken und Überzüge.                        Die Exponate reichen vom Splittertarn 31 über die Platane-Reihe...

...bis hin zum lichtschluckenden Leibertarn gegen die neu aufkommenden Nachtsichtgeräte der Allierten und den Splittertarn der Nachkriegsjahre für die erste Bundeswehr                     ...Erbsen und Eichentarn...         

Hardly anybody these days knows where the origins of prited fabrics are and what struggles have been taken to develop industrially printed fabrics which most of us accept as heaven sent today.





Bilder von Alexandra Lansky                                 Die verschiedensten Maltechniken können hier gesehen werden.


Drawing and painting as another form of spare time use which supports coordination and imagination is shown by a number of images created by Alexandra Lansky.




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